Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Girls Language (^.^)

When she doesnt call you

[ Its because shes waiting for you to call her]

When she walks away from you mad

[ Follow her ]

When she stares at your mouth

[ Kiss her ]

When she pushs you or hits you

[ Grab her and dont let go ]

When she starts cussing at you

[ Kiss her and tell her you love her or a kiss and A shut up works also]

When shes quiet

[ Ask her whats wrong/Or mess with her. ]

When she ignores you

[ Give her your attention ]

When she pulls away

[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst

[ Tell her shes beautiful ]

When you see her start crying

[ Hold her and tell her everything will be alright ]

When you see her walking

[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]

When shes scared

[ Protect her ]

When she lays her head on your shoulder

[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]

When she teases you

[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]

When she doesnt answer for a long time

[ reassure her that everything is okay ]

When she looks at you with doubt

[ Back yourself up ]

When she says that i like you

[ she really does more than you could understand ]

When she grab at your hands

[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]

When she bumps into you

[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]

When she tells you a secret

[ keep it safe and untold ]

When she look at you in your eyes

[ dont look away until she does ]

When she misses you

[ shes hurting inside ]

When you break her heart

the pain never really goes away

When she say its over

[ she still wants you to be hers ]

When she repost this bulletin

[ she wants you to read it ]

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


1] You're smart

2] "Clan" relationship is totally not you~

3] Easy to ask for help

4] So far sape2 pun x penah talk back behind you

5] Your bahasa melayu sometimes twisted but that’s good

6] Everything seems good so far

btw 'clan' = like u now take example.. Not to condemn but do they hang out with us of we hang out with them?

You don’t stick to a specific group

You hang out with your classmate... from time 2 time u mabok2 with your other friend


ske tdo

PANDAI kottt

bwat keja last minute

ske mencarut. haha!

slalu nk headache [tongue]

joel seorang yg pemalas

ske tido tp PANDAI nk mamposs …. aku bnci ko

den dia x ske bercinta itu pasal dia x de bf

dia ske membantu org

dan dia juga ske tdo di dlm claz

haa!! headache slalu menyerang dia di kala ada esemen

dia juga kuat mkn

dia ske kaler ijau

emosi dia juga cepat terganggu

dia ske KATAK


joel seorg yg blur tapi stiap kali final cgpa gempak giler

ske tdo dlm kelas tapi akhirnye tau jgk jwb time final

ske mkn mcm babi

perot joel boncet sket sbb slalu mkn mcm babi

suke sgt katak.smpai display pic pun katak n ada katak ijau

ske kaler ijau tahap melampau sume pon nak ijau

ske minum guna 2 straw

slalu bli air mineral kat kedai bwh sbb joel tak minum air pantry

nyamuk ske gigit joel smpai benda spray nyamuk tu ada kat atas katil joel

joel ada satu perangai aneh. nama perangai tu perangai "tak nak lyn"

bile tnye joel, then ttbe die jwb "tak tau" dgn irama yg malas, mknanye joel malas lyn

joels suke berak


kau budak cine yg pandai



aku suke kawn ngan kau

aku suke perangai kau sbb kau nie ader pendirian

kalo kau tak nak buat kau tak buat

tp kalo kau cam moody boleh tau la

kau nyer temper tak der ar teruk kau nyer normal

tak suke ikut org kire kau ader pendirian kau sendiri ar

suke tido dan makan macam babi

kau bergurau kekadang kau nyer lwak tk jadi tp biler jadi mmg lawak mcm haram!

kau study walaupun ader serius ader tak

tp semua bende yg kau bace masuk (AKU BENCI)!!!!

lepak pulak macam org biase tak der over.. kau banyak diam

tp biler ader bende kau nak ckp kau ckp

mase gossip... macam biase... tp kau tak banyak ar

mase kau bengang kau diam jer.. ktorg tau ar kau bengang

lelaki mmg kawan sejati aku ngan kau perempuan leceh

tak der pun mempertikaikan org lain

menyusahkan biler perlu jer

leceh?? tak der ar kau org yg senang aku nak layn

prob?? smua org ader prob

kalo kau rase bende yg org tegur tuh mendtgkan kebaikkan kau buat la

keras kepale?? sooo farrr tak der

saper benci kau??

Tidak dialu-alukan, tuh aku pun terase biler pergi rumah org tetibe

sombong?? tak der ar

BLURR SGT!!!!!!!!!!! jahat TAK kejam TAKLANGSUNG

kau more to cool.. manje?? aku tak nampak lagi

kesian?? tgk org... jugak kalo kau rapat ngan org tuh kau kesian, maner leh simply2 kesian kat org kan

simpati.. biler bende tuh patut kau simpati

batu api tak der.... nasihat..

kasar + sopan = kasosarpan

tatatertib.. BGAUS!
