Sunday, November 11, 2007

When u're home alone & this is all available @ mini market...u spend the whole day doing nothin but to watch DVDs u bought long time ago and yet to watch.

Kai Si Hor Fun (Chicken Slices) at Jalan Imbi, KL

The Steamboat @ Ikano Power Centre LG Floor

Home-made 'Booomeraaang' mantou (not my home)

Roast Duck Wantan Mee from a kopitiam @ Serdang - courtesy of t'su 'tsan kekeke =D

My all-time fav, Hong Kong style Prawn Chee Cheong Fun ... big & yummie prawns ...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Joan invited Ci & CLC to cyberia to have an eve celebration for lantern festival, so I decided to tag along after persuaded by Ci that she will not let me drunk, and eventually Joan made a GREAT mixture of vodka + sprite which caused me headache throughout the night. aiya.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My first ever buka puasa with Kem this year, and it's luckie enough that she was heading to the bazaar ramadhan to grab some good food, and I quickly copied the name of those yummie food on Lex's blog. We end up spending RM 40+ and in such embarrassment Kem carried back 10+ plastic bags with all kinds of food.

The food list I passed to Kem keke =D I'm just damn luckie that all that I've listed down are available at the bazaar. haha.

Group Pic!

Nasi Kerabu (it's beef so I didn't get to taste it)

Popiah Basah

Lemang (w/o rendang because it's only available with beef)

Pulut Bakar (forgot what's the inti)

Kepak Ayam (the most expensive one)

Rangka Ayam

Kuih Pelita

A Kelantanese kuih which i forgot it's name & ikan bakar (pari)

Pita Ayam

Roti John

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Haven't experienced yet, might give it a try soon.

This is what I've been doing all the time.

Great help to me, mentally & physically.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Icecream @ The Gardens, Mid Valley

Haagen-Dazs (Melon)

Free-fat, Free-...Free-...

Ice-cream counter opposite Nokia
Mid Valley (1st floor Centre Court)