Sunday, October 14, 2007

My first ever buka puasa with Kem this year, and it's luckie enough that she was heading to the bazaar ramadhan to grab some good food, and I quickly copied the name of those yummie food on Lex's blog. We end up spending RM 40+ and in such embarrassment Kem carried back 10+ plastic bags with all kinds of food.

The food list I passed to Kem keke =D I'm just damn luckie that all that I've listed down are available at the bazaar. haha.

Group Pic!

Nasi Kerabu (it's beef so I didn't get to taste it)

Popiah Basah

Lemang (w/o rendang because it's only available with beef)

Pulut Bakar (forgot what's the inti)

Kepak Ayam (the most expensive one)

Rangka Ayam

Kuih Pelita

A Kelantanese kuih which i forgot it's name & ikan bakar (pari)

Pita Ayam

Roti John

1 comment:

Hilmie Ya said...

kelantanise kuih name,is AKOK !!! wahahhahaha