Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I’m sick of my life right now.

I have no idea what the heck I’m doing.

I’m tired and I’m bored of it.

This drives me crazy and made me felt mad of myself.

I just couldn’t get rid of these, out of my life.

I felt like shit and it’s jumbling up in my head.

I hate these feelings.

It doesn’t make me feel somehow good, not to mention enjoyable.

This is the end of the story. What is it all about being me?

I’m speechless.

I got pissed off.

This is crazy.

I’ve got no idea what’s been revolving around me now.

I hardly knew what’s going on in my life.

It seems like I’m living everyday off, being effortless and worthless.

I’m sick of everything, everyone, even myself.

Is it time to wake up?

Or is it time to really consider and plan for a better route to continue the path of my life?

Where does the path of my life will lead me to?

It’s like living without a life, without a dream, without a direction.

I felt lost. I don’t felt being alive.

I wasn’t supposed to feel and be like this.

This is not what I was supposed to have in my life.

It’s sad to know that truth always kills.

Fairy tales never will happen in the real world.

Fantasies just got us indulge deeper and deeper into the fake world of lies.

Hate to admit that these circumstances force me to live my life the way it is right now.

Why do I encounter all these in my life? Why do I have to face all these circumstances?

Why do I have to do the way it was then?

Shouldn’t I be known to any other alternatives made available by anyhow?

Perhaps a better remedy or so, I hate to escape. I hate to deceive myself. I hate lies.

To escape means to ignore. To ignore means to run away.

To face it needs courage. I’m lack of it, but it has to be done somehow.

It might just caused more and more unwanted circumstances to take place.

I do not want these to happen in my life.

It’s distracting. I hardly could focus and concentrate.

I hate to know the truth but I rather to face it frankly and directly.

To have the courage to know the fact makes me felt more realistic.

To keep things to myself make me felt stuck. I want to make myself known to all.

Being what I’m now is the hardest fact to accept.

Felt like being in the dark hole with no light to direct me which way to proceed next.

I’m in need of direction. Please lead me. Please tell me how to decide my life.

I hate to see the way I’m right now. I hate to accept me this way. I hate my life now.

Tell me, lead me, direct me, and be with me.

I’m lack of faith in everything I encountered and everyone I met in my life.

Please let me know what is desire and drives me the way everything it should be.

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